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Friday, December 16, 2005

Are those "FREE" iPod, Mac Mini, iBook, Palm....offers really Legit?

This article chronicles my one and only experience with these "gift" offers. It's intended to help you decide if offers like these are for you....

Can you really get a Mac mini for free?

The short answer is: Of course not!

Here's the long answer.

You've seen the ads, possibly even on this site: Get a Palm, a gift card, an iPod, an iBook, or an Apple Mac mini for free. The list of these "free" items is endless. Maybe you've even clicked on one of the ad links and decided it was just a scam to get your email address.

read more | digg story


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This stuff is legit ppl! I just got my video ipod from freepay a couple of days back and I'm now working on the ps3 or the xbox 360 on another freebie site.

Good luck with your freebie biz! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2005 2:53:00 PM  

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